Motor vehicle crime[1] is a highly organized criminal activity affecting the global community. It has been clearly established that it is often linked to organized crime and terrorism. The vehicles are not stolen for their own sake only; sometimes they are trafficked to finance other crimes. They can also be used for smuggling other illegal goods or in the perpetration of numerous other crimes.
The specialised training course aims to assist law enforcement agencies in enhancing operational capacities to fight international vehicle crime. In particular, it is to enhance the knowledge and skills of the operational border control staff on the detection of stolen or embezzled vehicles.
border21 supports law enforcement agencies in strengthening institutional capacities to prevent and fight international vehicle crime.
border21 provides technical assistance in the development and implementation of training plans and curriculum through the sharing of know-how and best practices.
border21 acilitates multiple project activities including study visits to increase the capacity of law enforcement agencies to fight international vehicle crime more effectively.
border21 integrates all relevant border law enforcement agencies to improve interaction and the ex-change of information with regard to intra- and inter-agency and international cooperation.
border21 provides international experts and trainers from EU Member States law enforcement institutions with regard to the European Vehicle Identification Database.
border21 offers support in four main areas in the fight against international vehicle crime:
- providing support and expertise to requesting law enforcement agencies with regard to the introduction of new control techniques and procedures and ways to identify and investigate stolen or embezzled vehicles.
- delivering know-how for a comprehensive understanding of production of vehicles in this regard;
- encouraging States to report all instances of stolen vehicles and documents to Interpol, as well as supporting the implementation of technical platforms at border control points to provide first-line law enforcement officers with a real-time connection to Interpol’s databases
- improving regional cooperation to exchange information and trends on the detection of stolen and embezzled vehicles.
[1] According to EUROPOL: “motor vehicle crime” means the theft or misappropriation of motor vehicles, lorries, semi-trailers, the loads of lorries or semi-trailers, buses, motorcycles, caravans and agricultural vehicles, works vehicles, and the spare parts for such vehicles, and the receiving and concealing of such objects.