In the 21st century a large part of a state’s duty of care is to be addressed in order to avert transnational threats and possible vulnerabilities of the public safety and order through attacks on the Internet. The opportunities for committing criminal offences and serious crimes, data theft and misuse of data, sabotage and espionage provide offenders with extensive anonymity, and their criminal acts usually remain unsanctioned.
Cybercrime is understood as the perpetration of criminal acts, including attempting to commit criminal acts through the Internet, or those that happen with the support of Internet technologies. Taking this into consideration, it is important to reflect whether border management and border control should be perceived in a fourth dimension and a framework for a virtual border management should be developed.
border21 provides regularly expertise and support to EU Member States and non-EU countries and their programmes related to strategic security management. Amongst others, the assessments focus on the disclosure of current gaps and needs of border security and management systems as well as projects implemented globally by international and regional organisations.
border21 provides know-how, inter alia, in the following areas:
- specialised seminars to enhance competences to increase state’s law enforcement capacities to combat cybercrime.
- knowledge transfer of functioning practices developed to enhance intra-agency, inter-agency and international cooperation related to cybercrime.
- development of national policies, security management strategies and action plans to increase capacities to fight against cybercrime.
- tailor made training courses in strengthening intra-agency, inter-agency and international cooperation.
- conducts detailed analyses of the current situation of the state’s capacities to combat cybercrime in terms of equipment in place including recommendations for new equipment.
- prepares detailed needs analysis concepts and feasibility studies for required equipment including detailed descriptions of required equipment per institution.
- conducts detailed market research analyses for price and availability of items from eligible country of origin and budget estimates for the supply contract and prepares a Tender Dossier in accordance with PRAG rules.
- enhances intra-agency and inter-agency cooperation, both at national and cross-border level, cross-border cooperation and information exchange.
- improves the capacity of law enforcement agencies to effectively and efficiently fight against cybercrime in particular.
- contributes to establish solid basis for a secure exchange of information for the increased effectiveness of criminal investigation into cybercrime.